Quality sleep is fundamental to the well-being of dogs. Similar to humans, dogs rely on sufficient rest to maintain their physical health, support their immune system, promote muscle repair, and aid in memory consolidation. Sufficient rest also helps regulate mood and behavior, which reduces the risk of anxiety and aggression in dogs.
However, when it comes to their sleep requirements, every dog out there is unique. Healthy sleep for a dog can vary based on factors such as breed, age, size, and health status. Generally, adult dogs need about 12 to 14 hours of sleep per day, while puppies and senior dogs may require more than that. Part of being a good dog owner involves ensuring that your beloved pet gets the rest they need.
If you’re looking to improve the quality of your dog’s sleep, observe the following healthy habits together:
1) Provide a Comfortable Sleeping Environment for Them
First, a comfortable sleeping environment is essential for promoting quality rest. This starts with a dog’s bed. When choosing a bed for your canine pal, consider their size, age, and sleeping preferences. Invest in custom dog beds or dog mattresses with supportive bedding for a comfortable rest. If you have senior dogs or dogs with joint issues, orthopedic mattresses are an excellent choice, as they provide extra support and cushioning.
You’ll also want to choose a quiet and dark sleeping spot, away from high-traffic areas, to minimize disruptions and create a soothing atmosphere for sleep. Temperature control matters, too; dogs are sensitive to extremes in temperature, and a comfortable ambient temperature in their sleeping area is important for their comfort. All together, these factors will help your dog keep up the habit of sleeping where they’re supposed to and getting some good shut-eye as a result.
2) Establish a Consistent Sleep Routine for Them
Dogs thrive on routine, and a consistent sleep schedule can help regulate their internal clock and improve their sleep quality. Knowing that, set a regular bedtime and wake-up time for your dog and stick to it as closely as possible, even on weekends. You can incorporate pre-sleep rituals, such as a short walk or a calming bedtime routine, to signal to your dog that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.
Don’t forget to include taking your dog out to potty as part of their bedtime routine. Giving your dog an opportunity to relieve themselves before bedtime can prevent the need for nighttime bathroom breaks, minimizing disruptions to their sleep. It will also help them feel comfortable and relaxed as they prepare to get some rest.
When it comes to their sleep routine, remember that consistency is key. Avoid sudden changes to your dog's sleep schedule because this can disrupt their sleep patterns and lead to restlessness or insomnia.
3) Encourage Regular Exercise & Mental Stimulation Throughout the Day
Regular exercise is not only essential for your dog's physical health, but also plays a significant role in promoting restful sleep. Engaging your dog in daily exercise routines such as brisk walks, interactive play sessions, or agility training will allow them to expend their excess energy and thus reduce their anxiety or hyperactivity.
In addition to physical exercise, mental stimulation is equally important for keeping your dog engaged and preventing any sense of boredom that could carry over into the nighttime. Play with puzzle toys, together, play a scent game, or conduct simple training sessions throughout the day to challenge your dog mentally and tire them out before bedtime. This, in turn, will promote deeper and more restorative sleep.
4) Consider Your Dog’s Nutrition & Diet
Your dog's diet can directly impact their sleep quality and overall health. Feed your dog a balanced diet that provides essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support their well-being. Feed your dog several hours before bedtime to allow for proper digestion and minimize the risk of discomfort or digestive issues that could disrupt sleep.
In addition, it's advisable for you to limit your dog's water intake in the hour leading up to bedtime. Again, this will reduce the likelihood of nighttime bathroom breaks. While hydration is important, too much water before bed can lead to more frequent urination, which can throw off your dog's sleep cycle.
5) Address Underlying Health Issues or Discomfort
While dogs typically enjoy long periods of restful sleep, they can also experience sleep disturbances or problems that are outside the range of what’s mentioned above. Pay close attention to any signs of pain or discomfort that may affect your dog's sleep quality, like joint pain, arthritis, or dental problems. All of these can make it difficult for dogs to find a comfortable sleeping position or relax fully.
If you notice changes in your dog's sleep patterns or behavior, such as excessive restlessness, whimpering, or difficulty getting up, consult your veterinarian promptly to address any underlying health concerns.
These five healthy habits should help you ensure that your furry friend gets the restorative rest they need. With your guidance, they’ll be able to wake up refreshed every day, ready for what’s ahead of them.
Author James Foster